Go Read Me Over There

Guess what? I'm a contributor on a new blog. (As if I needed something else to fit on my plate, right?) My first post was featured yesterday and has generated some good conversation. Thankfully none of it has been about the huge picture of my face. So anyway I just wanted to let you know ...... Continue Reading →

On Writing (…or Not)

I miss writing. I know that's kind of weird to say because I'm not "a writer." I'm an off-and-on blogger who recently has been more off than on. I used to have a decent amount of readers when I was posting consistently. But that was back in my single days. When I had a lot... Continue Reading →

Here We Go Again …

My husband has been encouraging me to start blogging again for a couple years. I have been wanting to as well, but with two littles constantly demanding my attention, I haven't made it a priority. But I still have lots to say and almost every day I find myself thinking that would be worth sharing on... Continue Reading →

Blog, Interrupted

Geez ... where have I been all my life? Apparently this whole marriagehousebuyingpregnancy-all-in-one-year thing has really taken it's toll on my regular blogging habit.With how quickly life is changing these days and the upcoming arrival of BabyGio, I've been literally overflowing with stuff to share. (Yes, literally Zach.)So, without further ado ... I am hereby... Continue Reading →


I just read the most moving blog post I think I've ever read.Brant Hansen, a radio DJ whose blog I follow, was recently in Afghanistan. He went to Afgha... actually, you know what? Nothing I write can do his post justice.Just trust me. You should read it.

Going Viral

My boyfriend Chris works in the social media world. He's very good at his job. One thing I've learned from watching him do his job ... this world of social media? It's a vast ocean of uncharted waters. It's like an untamed beast. Seriously. One of the things he talks a lot about is something... Continue Reading →

Bringing Sexy Back

Okay. I know I already posted today, but I have to post this. It's too funny not to.I'd like to introduce you to the Sexy People blog.You're welcome.(Thanks, Vince.)

Missing God

Okay, I'm convicted. One of my new favorite reads these days is Pete Wilson's blog. He's funny, well-spoken, wise, relevant, and yet still writes with true humility. (Somewhat of a rarity among preacher/bloggers, I'm finding.) Anyway, his post really got me today. Read this.It's true what he says ...Each and every day the God of... Continue Reading →

Movie = 0, Music = 1

Oh my goodness, it's hard to keep up two blogs! And even harder to do it and have a life, too. I put a few new photos on the photo blog, and later this week, I'm sure I'll have more from the wedding. Someone commented to me that most of my pictures lately have been... Continue Reading →

Are You Alive?

MAY I PLEASE HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION?Thank you. Now, if you would all please follow me to my brother's blog.Stat.His post today is BRILLIANT. Very deep and yet so funny at the same time. (Oh and be sure to watch the video.) Then if you liked the post, leave him a comment. Hopefully this will encourage... Continue Reading →

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